Home Page (Revamped)

PSSST... Hey, Guess What?

We've got something really GREAT going on behind the scenes right now and this little message is your sneak peek preview. Our friends at Techno Goober are working with us to build a shiny new and totally amazing website!

In the meantime we want you to be able to find everything you're looking for so here's some quick direct links to...

Milton - Harbeson Community Champions

Galleon Level Members

Schooner Level Members

Welcome to the Milton Chamber of Commerce!

Come See What We Are All About!

If you’re a new business owner, an established business owner, or a business from a surrounding area, we want to welcome you! We are the Milton Chamber of Commerce and our mission is to advance the balanced economic development of Milton, Delaware by promoting civic, industrial, commercial, agribusiness and social interests of the community, and by strengthening the freedom of private business to operate competitively for profit with minimal government regulations.

We look forward to welcoming you to our Milton - Harbeson Chamber Community!

Want to go to work in the Milton area? There are plenty of opportunities!

Click here for a list of local employers who are hiring!

View Our Latest Newsletter

Visitor’s Guide

Mailing address:
P.O. Box 61 • Milton, DE 19968
(302) 684-1101